My first lesson came from a close friend of mine K.J who told me very sternly that I was an idiot. His reason was quite a surprise for me as it very often is relating to matters of the heart. Instead of advice, which my ego would have rejected easily as my appetite rejects "Mess Idlis",he asked me a question which changed my life forever. He asked me " Do you ever think from the other person's point of view?"
My second lesson came from one of my best friends R.H. She seemingly considered me worthy of trust and friendship. She taught me that basic fact which I continue to understand everyday! The situations in life is determined not only by your present conditions but also by your past experiences. In simpler terms .."What you think , need not necessarily be what your friends think and feel , for the basic reason that both of you are from different backgrounds".
My third and most important lesson came from another of my best friends R.I. She taught me that it is most important to respect yourself, to know who you are , to believe in what you say and do. In simpler words, " Learn to believe in your strengths, coz only then can you change, only then can you grow"
Hope the lessons my friends taught me will benefit you too. I thank God for all my friends; for their love and support. You guys are teaching me to Live!...THANK YOU
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